12 Feb

Use of Google Analytics to get Content Ideas

Data is essential in every marketing campaign. Companies handle data so they can better realize the customers. Data-oriented marketing contributes enhanced loyalty, engagement and number of customers. We use data for social campaigns, SEO and PPC because these marketing fields are data specific. But there is no need to use data for improving blog content. Content marketing involves creative endeavor. This is true since content should be engaging for readers.

Content marketing is also used to obtain results like making sales or leads. Data-driven approach must be used to obtain the utmost results in content marketing. Let us see how to apply data that are obtained from Google Analytics for effective ideas of content making:

Make Variations in Popular Content

Every content manager desires making content that can perform well every time. In order to perform this, existing content should be checked for determining the finest posts. Looking at the Google Analytics, it is possible to detect which pieces of content are the finest. You could understand which content frameworks and subjects are finest for the website depending on the page views. First port of call should be the all pages in Analytics. It can be found in:

Behavior > Site Content > All Pages

Within this part, you could observe the data with primary and secondary dimension. They can be filtered to obtain a complete view of the content. For example, page views can be sorted depending on average time spent on the webpage, source, bounce rate, page value and others.

It is possible to make primary dimension to page title for seeing which of the titles are getting more hits frequently. You might want to enhance conversions. Analytics indicates you the titles that include “The Ultimate Guide” to have the most conversions. Comparison view is another filter to help you amazingly in this matter.

Now move to comparison view in Google Analytics and choose average time on the webpage. You can understand instantly on which pieces users want to spend more time and thus they get the most value.

SSCSWorld offers high-quality search engine optimization services to its clients. We make beautiful websites in order to get more traffic and generate more sales. you may contact us to get more useful information.