03 Dec

Common Mistakes of Conversion Rate Optimization

So many intricacies are there for UX testing and conversion rate optimization. You can compare a lot of metrics and dive into several reports. Collections of ways are there to make hypotheses and also implement various tests. Different platforms to perform testing are there to select from. Today we would discuss some common mistakes and problems with conversion rate optimization that might be overlooked at first time you going through the procedure:

Improper Setup for Tracking – Correct setup of the tracking is important. You need to have user session tracking and heatmap on the web pages which are to be analyzed. Micro-conversion tracking set should be there through Google tag manager. Installing tracking in GTM for user engagement and clicks such as component visibility and scroll depth are useful. This will offer valuable data how users interact with CTAs and elements on the page. This is very much helpful while deciding which pages to analyze. It is also vital while making hypotheses and examines thoughts for these pages.

Attention is not given to Calendar while doing a test – Seasonality is not a fairy story. It can helps in decision making at the time of preliminary research in the testing phase. Without seasonality, there is a higher probability of getting inaccurate or invalid results.

Why timing is important?

You may desire the test to be performed on the highly qualified traffic.

Making a test on the off time in the season might not accurately signify the traffic.

If the test is done at calm in traffic, the test is required to go longer. It helps reaching the significance.

Sample Testing Size is not enough Large – It is important to have a sufficient big sample size for accommodating the test results. Without a proper sample size, it is not possible to obtain results or the results might not be appropriate. There are tools for determining proper sample size.

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